Some Arty Restaurants in Guangzhou


When you come to Guangzhou, which is known by all kinds of local food, I suppose therea are some arty shops you cannot miss .Let’s begin~

TO begin with, I will show you Jiang Nan Xi Road ~That is the picture above. There are numerous exclusive shops which is suitable for a couple or a few best friends.

Because I reckon that you have already known some traditional Guangzhou Food on the Internet, so in this diary I show you something special which you can hardly find in other place. As I think delicious food in Guanghzou is not only the local food but also some exotic food. That’s mean, some food may be more attractive than that you eat in your country, because most of them have innovation especially adding some Chinese style. Let’s continue!
Lastly, if you are interested in Cantonese which is another languish except for the mandarin in China(Cantonese is the local people speak ),I am willing to teach you

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