Where can you import handbag from China?


There are so many handbag wholesale markets in China. But consider the scale of the manufacturers, professional and quality of the products only 2 places worth to go.

Yiwu international trade city is the first one should be recommended.

The whole building of district 2, the first floor of F and G area are for bags. There are thousands of booths for bags. Anything about bag, you always can find here: handbag, crossbody, backpack, evening bag, wallet, cosmetic bag, travel bag, school bag, sport bag, suitcase, shopping bag…Yiwu international trade city is a wholesale market specialized in international trade business. So the styles sold here are all catch the trendy of the overseas. No matter your market is Europe, Mideast or South America, you always can find the styles which will be popular in your market. Because the suppliers in the market, have their own advantages and target customer, for example, some of the suppliers focus on American and European markets, some other mainly service the African customers, so you will realize Yiwu international trade city is of great variety and diversity.

That’s why no matter where are you from, the scale of your business, or you just a visitor, we always suggest you come to Yiwu for a visit. You definitely will be shock by the various options this market offered you.

The MOQ is always not big. For handbag, normally 200-300pcs/style, can do 3-4colors. For crossbody, always 400-500pcs/style for 3-4colors. As for the wallet, 600-800pcs/style can do 4 colors. But for bag which cost is low, will need bigger MOQ, such as cosmetic bag or shopping bag, normally need 1200pcs/style can do 4 colors.

As for the price, if the quantity you ordered big enough, you can get a very competitive price. As we all know in fashion, change fast and trendy is the key to success. If you become a regular customer to some booths, you will always get the pictures of the first hand new styles from the suppliers.

If you have your own design, you also can find a good manufacturer to make sample. Normally sample fee cost 300pcs/style with 7-10days lead time.

Guangzhou Handbag wholesale market

Guangzhou handbag wholesale market consist of around 20 malls which are concentrated in one area, Sanyuanli. Some sell leather bag, but most of them still sell PU bags. 3 of the markets sell wallets, the others sell hand bags, evening bag, suitcase….

Each malls with different specialty. Such as Sanyi bag mall sell wallets, Qianse mall 1st floor sell stock, the other floor sell fabrics. Tianhong mall and Xindonghao mall sell high grade bags and most of them with factories’ won brand. But if you can meet factory’s MOQ, also can put your own brand on the bags.

Our customer always go to Shuidian market which always has latest styles at reasonable price and low MOQ. Normally 50-100pcs/color, and with around 20days delivery. Some of the booths always have some ready stock, for the stock, you can buy 30pcs/color.

We purchased bags for customer from Yiwu and Guangzhou over 6years, build good relationship with some bag suppliers. So if you have any more information want to know about bag wholesale market, pls feel free to contact us.


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